Court: U.S Supreme Court
Year: 1803
Principle(s): Judicial Review: An act of congress which violates the constitution, is void.
Court: Court
Year: 1970
Principle(s): Discussion of the legal effects of a coup d'état, grundnorm
Court: Supreme Court
Year: 1997-98
Principle(s): Retained ministers need prior parliamentary approval before they can assume office; inapplicability of political question doctrine; supremacy of the constitution
Court: Court of Appeal, Sitting as Supreme Court
Year: 1980
Principle(s): An act which contravenes the constitution is void. Vetting and rejection of Apaloo found contrary to article 127(8), therefore void; Parliamentary proceedings cannot be questioned by the court pursuant to article 96; Every Ghanaian has the right to prevent the abolishing of the constitutional order and can bring an action in the Supreme Court for such purposes.
Court: Supreme Court
Year: 1994
Principle(s): Any act which contravenes the constitution shall be void to the extent of the inconsistency. The constitution as a whole is a justiciable document, and this includes the directive principles of state policy.