Law of Contract Cases on Communication Of Acceptance

Atuguba & Associates v. Scipion Capital (UK) Ltd. and Holman Fenwick Willian LLP

Court: Supreme Court

Year: 2018-2019

Principle(s): Email communication sent by one party making an offer, which said offer is accepted, by the other party also by email constitutes a binding contract enforceable at law.

Powell v. Lee

Court: Court

Year: 1908

Principle(s): Acceptance of an offer must be communicated by the offeree himself or an authorized agent. HINT: application for headmaster, communication to Powel that he had been accepted by unauthorized agent.

Entores v Miles Far East Corporation

Court: Court

Year: 1955

Principle(s): 1. There is no binding contract until notice of acceptance is communicated to and received by the offeror; 2. A binding contract is made at the place where the offeror receives notification of the acceptance, that is where the offeror is; 3. When an offeree accepts an offer via post, acceptance is complete as soon as the letter is put into the post box, and that is the place where the contract is made; 4. However, when a contract is made through an instantaneous medium of communication, acceptance is only complete when the offeror receives the notice of acceptance; 5. The offeror can specify a medium of acceptance or waive the requirement for communication of acceptance. 

Felthouse Ltd. v. Bindley

Court: Court

Year: 1972

Principle(s): The silence of the offeree does not constitute acceptance

Adams v. Lindsell

Court: Court

Year: 1818

Principle(s): An acceptance of an offer is generally effective and legally binding as soon as it is posted (mailed), even if the offeror is unaware of the acceptance until a later date.

Fofie v. Zanyo

Court: Supreme Court

Year: 1992

Principle(s): Acceptance must be plain and unconditional; Acceptance must be communicated to the offeror; Acceptance must be done within a reasonable time;