Court: Court of Appeal
Year: 1978
Principle(s): Revocation of an offer is ineffective once the offeree starts performance.
Court: Court of Common Pleas
Year: 1880
Principle(s): Revocation of an offer is only effective if communicated to the offeree
Court: Court
Year: 1828
Principle(s): A promise to keep an offer open is not binding without consideration from the offeree; an offer can be revoked at any time if the offeree gives no consideration in response to a promise to keep the offer open
Court: Court of Appeal
Year: 1875
Principle(s): A general offer can be revoked through the same medium it was made; if the offeree does not see the revocation notice after it was published through the same medium the offer was made, revocation is still valid
Court: Court of Appeal
Year: 1952
Principle(s): An offer cannot be revoked after performance has begun.